Night Lotus Productions is focused on creating video, television, film, and documentary projects that have a positive impact on the world.
Its founder, Sharon Janis, has won local, national, and international awards including:
Emmy Award (Los Angeles)
New York International Television Festival Silver Medal for "Best Television Program"
National Associated Press Board of Directors Award for "Best Television Enterprise"
Los Angeles Press Club Award for "First Place Editing"
Associated Press California/Nevada Award as "First Place Editor of News Features"
Golden Mike Award for "First Place Light Feature"
And others…
Night Lotus Productions is located in beautiful Cardiff by the Sea,
north of San Diego.
This page includes videos produced and edited by Sharon.
A 16 minute promo in support of the in-progress Peace Pilgrim Movie
Peace Pilgrim:
An American Sage Who Walked Her Talk
The Hour-Long Documentary
Scripted and edited by Sharon Janis
This is a powerful documentary about an extraordinary woman.
At age 44, Mildred Norman left her life circumstances and became Peace Pilgrim
-- walking coast to coast for peace for nearly 30 years, living on faith
and sharing her wisdom and exhuberance generously with people across the
land. This 60-minute documentary is a poetic and musical exploration of her
life and message, which is as relevant today as ever. Also included are
interviews with Dalai Lama, Maya Angelou, John Robbins, Elizabeth Kubler
Ross, and many of Peace Pilgrim's friends, admirers, and relatives, along
with newsreel footage from the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's, when Peace was
on her walk for peace.
In harmony with Peace Pilgrim's non-covetous ways, the Friends of Peace Pilgrim Foundation's all-volunteer crew has been publishing and offering an abundance
of materials by and about Peace Pilgrim for decades, including her classic "In Her Own Words" (which you can also read online HERE) and
this video documentary -- all materials are offered without charge, although
of course it is donations that help keep this offering possible. This video is narrated by Reverend Michael Beckwith.
You can
find more information or order a copy of this video from:
Shantipuri Friends Foundation: Giving
Children in India a Brighter Future
This video shows what happens when government and good hearted people come together to uplift the lives of those who need and deserve a hand up.
Produced, directed, scripted, music composition and singing,
and editing by Sharon Janis and Night Lotus Productions, in association with UCSD Healthcare and the county of San Diego's Health and Human Services, with input from many associate agencies and the heads of San Diego's human services departments, including domestic violence, mental health, drug and alcohol, and homelessness.
An inspiring 21-minute documentary about a government program that offers resources and one-on-one care to lift people up -- often out of dire circumstances -- and help them to create a successful life for themselves and their children. Sponsored by the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency in collaboration with the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. This video has been playing in welfare offices, homeless shelters, domestic violence programs, and regularly on the San Diego County Television station. Watch the whole video in this clip.
What One Man Can Do:
For The Hunger Project
Produced, scripted and edited by Night Lotus Productions
This video honors Raul Julia's work with The Hunger Project, and powerfully
shows why he was so emphatic, enthusiastic, and dedicated to the vision of
ending hunger on this planet.
Purna Das: The King of Bauls
Produced, camera, scripting, editing, and voiceover by Sharon Janis
The Bauls of Bengal are a tradition of religious minstrels whose songs of joy, love, and longing for mystical union with the Divine evoke a profound spirituality.
Purna Das and his son Dibyendu Das, representing the 8th and 9th generations of a traditional and well-known Baul lineage, are featured in this 23-minute long video, offering their ecstatic and colorful music, and explaining the sublime nature of Baul.
"Om Namah Shivaya":
Krishna Das's First Music Video
Co-scripted and edited by Sharon Janis
"Real People, Real Healthcare Needs"
For President Obama's OFA
Produced, scripted and edited by Sharon Janis
"Be a Friend" (Om Ganesha Om)
A 2012 musical montage update of the joy that has been created in the midst of the Karunalaya Leper Colony with education and care supported by Shantipuri Friends Foundation.
Now you can't say that the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was not an inspired show! It was the number one children's program around the globe for several years in the 1990's. Sharon Janis was an editor for the show, and also created this music video for Top of the Pop's.
This video was produced by Simon Cowell while he was living in his parents' house due to financial lack, and it was his first great success as this video propelled the song to the Top of the Pops.
This is a montage of video clips that were produced and edited in the early
1990's for Disney's KCAL-TV in Los Angeles. This was Sharon's first full-time
job after spending 10 years living a monastic life, and these pieces show
how, with spiritual focus, even so-called tragic events can have great depth
of meaning and beauty -- God's creation in action right here on earth.
I was also hired to train NBC Network's promo producers on the nonlinear AVID editing system, and to edit the national television promos for many "Must See TV" NBC Shows, including "Seinfeld," "Mad About You," and "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
This is a clip from the X-Men television show, which includes a cameo by
an animated Sharon Janis with her well-rehearsed lines, "Oh come on, a demon? You must
be kidding!" Turns out it was not a demon but just Nightcrawler taking refuge
in a monastery, but that's another story. Sharon was editor and associated producer for this show for two years.
Beretta's Island
Sharon Janis was the Coproducer and Film Editor of the Feature Film "Beretta's Island" with Franco Columbu and his best friend Arnold Schwarzenegger
SYDA Foundation's spirituality-based documentary and educational videos
Red Planet - an animated series for children
Hard Copy (TV show)
Commercials and training videos for: Disney, Infiniti, Bergen Brunswig, Electronics Boutique, McNeil, MOCA, Gensia, Allstate, Heil Brice, and many others