If, instead, you can raise your personal awareness into your greater, universal self, then you have much more ability to direct the play of your life through your power of intention. That is what we are doing with this visualization exercise - elevating our awareness so that we can heal this problem through the powerful intention of our stronger link - our expanded, creative, harmonious, universal link.
Look again at the problem in your great cosmic hand, and know that you can choose to let go of it right now, just by clearly choosing to let it go. The key is to make your choice unanimous throughout your being - without holding on to the problem situation for whatever side benefits your weaker self may think it is deriving from these negative emotions and thoughts.
There are many reasons why we may hold on to problems in life - perhaps using sadness or setbacks as excuses for lethargy or mediocrity, or using anger or worry to support a habit of emotional energy bursts, or to score some positive attention or care from others.
Other reasons for choosing to persevere through troubles may be more positive and spiritual. Maybe you would choose to stay in an uncomfortable relationship because you know that this is the only way for your soul to release old negative patterns, or to learn how to have more patience, or to uncover your ability to give and love unconditionally. Maybe you've accepted a time of poverty because you can sense that this challenge is helping you learn how to have greater faith in God's compassionate presence and protection on a day-to-day and minute-by-minute basis. Troubles can certainly be good inspirations in reminding us to pray, and pray sincerely!
As you hold this ball of troubles in your hand, see if it holds any benefits that you may wish to keep for yourself. Even just this one step of acknowledging any possible benefits you may be receiving from a set of troubles brings you back into the driver's seat of your life. You enter back into the realm of choice, the fountainhead of life that creates and recreates everything in every moment.
Now, take the ball of unwanted feelings and situations that you are holding it in your imagined cosmic hand. Shake the ball of troubles, waving it around enthusiastically until all the particles fly off and become more shimmering stardust streaming through endless, deep, dark space. Smile and wave at the radiant, lustrous particles that once were your resentment, fears, frustrations, angers, and disappointments. Goodbye! Don't come again!
Watch as all the blue shimmering particles of that circumstance fly freely, dissolving from the ball, and dancing through the tapestry of universal space. Now, pick up a big cosmic broom, and cheerfully sweep it all away, sprinkling glittering blue light stardust all over, to the farthest reaches of space, as all the particles settle back into the ground from which all creation comes forth. Appreciate the underlying beauty that existed even in that challenging circumstance, and thank God for giving and now removing the problem.
As other troubles or challenges arise in your journey of life, you can also see them as sparkling particles of divine consciousness, and offer them back into their universal source.
See the bigger picture of your soul's journey, and be free. Herein lies the essence of spiritual happiness.
Purchase the
Secrets of Spiritual Happiness
Book, e-book, and audio book
The Audio Book:
Secrets of Spiritual Happiness
Table of Contents
Read the whole book here
by Sharon Janis
Preliminary notes to the reader
Section One: Exploring Happiness
Defining Happiness
The Science of Happiness
Why is Happiness So Elusive?
Happiness Comes From Within
Are You Already Happy?
Different Folks, Different Strokes (Quotes about Happiness)
Section Two: Introducing Spiritual Happiness
Coining the Term, Spiritual Happiness
The Difference Between Relative and Spiritual Happiness
Spiritual Happiness and the Happiness Hierarchy
What Spiritual Happiness Isn't
The Theories Behind Spiritual Happiness
Upgrading Your Spiritual Happiness Software
Spiritual Happiness in Action
Section Three: 39 Secrets of Spiritual Happiness
1. Relax!
2. Inspire Your Atmosphere
3. Know Thyself
4. Enjoy Being You
5. Remember Who You Really Are
6. Know Your Weakest and Strongest Links
7. Cultivate Dual Awareness
8. Happiness is a State of Mind
9. Learning to Smile
10. Play the Game of Life with Empowerment
11. Great Faith Brings Great Freedom
12. Count Your Blessings
13. There's Always Good News
14. Choose Happiness
15. If You're Going to Do Something, Do it Cheerfully
16. Be Aware of the Words You Use
17. Positive Communications Bring Greater Happiness
18. There's Always a Way to Create Happiness
19. Arrange Your Priorities
20. A Personal Sharing About Shifting Priorities
21. Don't let Others Tell You What Will Make you Happy
22. Be Careful About the Company You Keep
23. Don't Let Others Bring You Down
24. Don't Bring Others Down!
25. Think Well of Everyone
26. Too Many Expectations Lead to Disappointment
27. Be a Joyful Giver
28. Be a Blessing
29. Finding Grace in Challenges and Blessings From Tragedy
30. Always Deal With God
31. Let Go of "Punishment Mentality"
32. Things Don't Have to be So Hard
33. Open Yourself to Inner Guidance
34. Do what Your Heart Knows is Right
35. Uplift Your Motives
36. Trust the Perfection in Imperfection
37. See the Bigger Picture of Your Soul's Journey
38. Enjoy the Trip!
39. Be Optimistic
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