Quick Links to Chapter Excerpts



Chapter 1

Chapter 2
A Being in Time

Chapter 3
All in the Mind

Chapter 4
I Chose This?

Chapter 5
Speed, Winning, and Jesus Christ Superstar

Chapter 6
Exploring the Unconscious

Chapter 7
The Threshold of Life

Chapter 8
When the Student is Ready

Chapter 9
Magical Meeting

Chapter 10
Toward the One

Chapter 11
Who is Shiva?

Chapter 12
Destiny Calls

Chapter 13
Winter Wonderland

Chapter 14
This Karmic Dance

Chapter 15
The Fruits of Surrender

Chapter 16
That Gracious Glance

Chapter 17

Chapter 18
Totally One With Him

Chapter 19
Clothed in Devotion

Chapter 20

Chapter 21
She Still Thinks She Did It!

Chapter 22
Perfect Mistakes

Chapter 23
Taming the Beast

Chapter 24
Leaving the Ashram

Chapter 25
The Great Guiding Force

Chapter 26
The Wish-Fulfilling Tree

Chapter 27
Kumuda Gump

Chapter 28
A Funny Thing Happened On My Way to Nirvana

Chapter 29
Darkening of the Light

Chapter 30
False Rumors

Chapter 31
An Inner Command

Chapter 32
Miracles and Great Beings

Chapter 33
Continuing Grace



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